
What the Bible Says about Divorce and Remarriage is unavailable, but you can change that!

The topic of divorce is a complicated one, even among Christians. The Bible provides some clear answers, but other areas remain blurry: Is divorce morally acceptable in a case of physical abuse? If a divorce is granted for biblically legitimate reasons, is remarriage allowed? Can a divorced person become a church officer? In this short booklet, theologian Wayne Grudem offers a thought-provoking...

his or her church. Where possible, the steps of church discipline outlined in Matthew 18:15–17 should be followed in an attempt to bring reconciliation to the marriage. If that process results in the final step of excommunication from the church, then it would seem appropriate to treat the deserting spouse as an unbeliever (“Let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector,” Matt. 18:17). But it must be emphasized that if reconciliation of the marriage can at all be brought about, that should always
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